

发布:2009-05-11 15:30:06作者: 不详浏览量:3388

  (昆明,200958) 今天巴斯夫在云南昆明为新的化学建材工厂举行了落成仪式。建立这一设施旨在生产先进的混凝土外加剂,以更好地服务西南部地区建筑行业的客户。
  “我们的战略是投资于西部,以把握中国建筑市场更多的增长机遇,”集团副总裁、负责巴斯夫化学建材部亚太区业务的霍万祺先生表示,“昆明的新工厂占地超过6,500平方米,将扩大巴斯夫在这一区域的产能,让巴斯夫更好地利用先进的产品和服务为该地区快速增长的建筑行业提供服务。加上我们在重庆和成都的工厂,巴斯夫正不断增强支持中国西部地区进一步发展的能力,” 霍先生补充道。

  巴斯夫化学建材部是全球领先的化学系统和配方供应商。为了确保客户取得更多的成功,巴斯夫化学建材不断创新和为客户提供定制的解决方案。其外加剂系统能满足客户在预拌混凝土、预制构件、混凝土制品、地下工程等专业领域的需求。其建材系统提供的一系列产品包括体育及工业地坪系统、灌浆系统, 防水系统、瓷砖粘贴系统、外墙涂料和外墙外保温系统、伸缩缝系统、修补系统以及木材防腐剂。巴斯夫化学建材业务部在全球50多个国家和地区设有生产厂及销售中心,2008年营业额达22亿欧元,员工总数约7700人。欲了解更多信息,请访问:www.basf-cc.cn。

  巴斯夫是全球领先的化工公司——The Chemical Company。公司的产品范围包括从原油和天然气、化学品、塑料、特性化学品、农用产品到精细化学品。作为值得信赖的合作伙伴,巴斯夫帮助各行各业的客户取得更大成功。通过提供高价值产品和智能解决方案, 巴斯夫在应对全球面临的问题中扮演重要角色,如气候保护、能源效率、营养以及交通运输与移动通讯领域等。2008年,巴斯夫全球销售额超过620亿欧元,截至年底员工近97,000名。若想获得更多关于巴斯夫的信息,请访问:  www.basf.com。
  巴斯夫与大中华市场的渊源可以追溯到1885年,从那时起巴斯夫就是中国的忠实合作伙伴。它是中国化工领域最大的外国投资商之一,2008年,公司在大中华区员工人数约6,300名,销售额约为42亿欧元, 拥有19个巴斯夫全资子公司和10个巴斯夫合资公司。欲了解更多信息,请登陆www.greater-china.basf.com
  BASF inaugurates concrete admixture plant in Kunming
Ø       First production site in Yunnan province
Ø       Serves expanding Western China construction market

Kunming, China - May 8, 2009 BASF today inaugurated a new construction chemicals plant in Kunming, Yunnan Province. The facility has been established to manufacture advanced concrete admixtures to better serve customers in the construction industry in Southwest China.
Located in the Kunming State New & High Technology Development Zone (40 kilometres from downtown Kunming), the newly established plant produces BASF’s full portfolio of concrete admixtures. Two labs have been specially set up to conduct quality control and concrete trial activities to ensure high quality products and technical services are available for local customers.
“It is our strategy to invest in Western China in order to pursue additional growth opportunities in the Chinese construction market,” said Mark Volmer, Vice President responsible for BASF’s Construction Chemicals business in Asia Pacific. “Occupying more than 6,500 square meters, the new Kunming plant will expand our production capability in this region and put BASF in a stronger position to serve the fast-growing local construction industry with advanced products and services. Together with our plants in Chongqing and Chengdu, BASF is increasing its capability to support further development of the Western China region, ” Volmer added.
In the first quarter of 2009, Yunnan province invested RMB 58.4 billion (approximately EUR 6.6 billion) in fixed assets and infrastructure construction, up 41.8 percent over the same period of last year, according to the Yunnan Statistics Bureau. Likewise, the Kunming municipal government recently announced its investment in infrastructure construction would amount to RMB154.9 billion (approximately EUR 17.4 billion) in 2009.
BASF’s Construction Chemicals business has been active in concrete admixture production in China since 1988, and the launch of the Kunming plant marks the 13th construction chemicals production facility in mainland China. 
Recognized as a reliable partner in the industry, BASF construction chemicals has contributed to many prestigious projects including Taipei 101, the Hangzhou Bay Bridge and the China High-speed Railway.
